When it comes to purchasing home and auto insurance, you have lots of options. Insurance companies spend millions of dollars on advertising on television, social media, radio and on-line in an attempt get your attention and sell you insurance. Of the many options available, which direction should you go? I can tell you with certainty, the best way to purchase home and auto insurance is through an independent insurance agent.
Insurance companies sell insurance products through either their own "captive agents" OR through "independent agents" but generally not both. A captive insurance agent (State Farm, All State, Nationwide, American Family) can ONLY provide products and services from one insurance company. For example, a State Farm insurance agent sells insurance only from State Farm. An independent insurance agent, on the other hand, can sell insurance insurance on behalf of any insurance company they choose. It's not uncommon for an independent insurance agent to offer insurance from fifteen different insurance companies. Clearly, the independent agent can provide more options for the policyholder. As life evolves, insurance needs will change. Purchasing home and auto insurance through an independent insurance agent, like Thompson Insurance Associates, allows the policyholder to establish a relationship with one insurance agent who can provide many different options to suit the client's insurance need. About The Author: With over twenty-five years experience, Pat Thompson, CPCU, is a respected veteran of the property and casualty insurance industry. His commercial lines underwriting experience and independent agency ownership make him qualified to properly mitigate risk of any business.
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